An Accretion of Attorneys

Almost from his first year in Law School, the group of friends that DB used to hang out with for Thursday drinks after class wanted him to have a wine party.  With him now being a barred attorney the time was right, so the very first Saturday after my MFA classes ended for the semester we invited them over.   Many in the class have scattered, but three were able to come.


We also took the opportunity to invite some other dear friends; we sat by the fire, we drank wine and gluvine, and we stood around munching on breads, cheeses, pesto, gaucamole, baked onion/cheese, crudites, nuts and salmon. 

(Two More Attorneys - not related to DB's class)

It was the perfect way to usher in the holiday season!


An Accretion of Attorneys


Creativity: Ways of Seeing