
Never let it be said that cats are aloof and don't remember.  We've just been in Cape Town, and a friend introduced us to this video about Christian the Lion. we decided to adopt a cat, we went to the animal rescue and, as we walked past the corner cage, a little black paw reached out to touch DB's leg as he went by.  That was it.  We asked to be introduced to her, and they put her on a ledge at waist height.  She instantly broke into a purr and walked, restlessly, back and forth, talking and rubbing against us.  She was only about a year old, but had already had an unsettled life, moving from the place she was born, to her new home, only to be taken to the animal rescue place - and then, finally, to our home.  It's hard to imagine that anyone would have wanted to give her away.  It's true she is quite a handful; she has an A-type personality and is extremely talkative and quite eccentric.  But she is also heartbreakingly affectionate and loving, and a real companion.While we were away in Africa, we had a friend looking in on Sasha - and she was fine, but not quite happy.When we got home, she was on her usual cushion by the front window and when she saw us coming up the pathway she came over to the window by the front door.  I talked to her through the window and could see her little pink tongue when she opened her mouth to mew as she recognized us.  We opened the door to a questioning but vociferous greeting, and she walked half way up the stairs to assess us to make sure it really was us.  After two minutes she came down again and, while she didn't quite jump up and almost knock us over as Christian the Lion did, she began to purr and talk and rub and head butt, and then wouldn't let us out of her sight.  As we were unpacking, she was into everything, kneading and needy, and even now, two days later, she wants to be with us all the time.  The dear thing about her is that there is no malice; no sulking that we have left her for two and a half weeks.  She is just so happy to have us home again. There is no doubt that she chose us, that we are her people, and it is heartwarming to be on the receiving end of such unconditional love.




From the Chautauqua Institution, NY