Coming to America

10489622_672658946160056_1874671695107282784_nI am so excited to be invited by LitMore to be part of this!Alan Marcus and I will read from our work and discuss the experience of immigrating to the U.S.Alan is a geographer who has focused his research on Brazil and Brazilian migration processes. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Journal of Cultural Geography, and Geographical Review, and in anthologies. In Growing up Transnational: Identity and Kinship in a Global Age he described his life and family growing up in Brazil. Currently he is an Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Planning, Towson University. He is also a musician and is interested in blues and rock and roll, and poetry.LitMore address: 1702 South Road, Baltimore, MD 21209Litmoremap


Coming to America


"From Here"