Reading in the time of COVID-19

Old New WorldsPart IIChapter Fourteen   [audio mp3=""][/audio] As my contralto-nutritionist friend Monica Reinagel has pointed out, “By now, you've gotten emails from every website and business you've ever visited, announcing how they are responding to current events.” Hers was not that kind of newsletter, and neither is mine. It’s just me reaching out to you during these bizarre, extraordinary, and worrying times.At 7:30pm today, I was to have been giving a reading from Old New Worlds at Buunni Coffee on 4961 Broadway in New York, as part of their Multiverse Reading Series. In these new times of lock down, and social distancing, and isolation, and staying in place, the reading—along with myriad events in New York, in the U.S., in the world—has been put on hold.But let’s put a new spin on this.So, this Artist in Residence is still going ahead with a reading, albeit in solitude, and I hope that you will listen during your compassionate retreat. As you listen, you'll hear why I thought this particular chapter was appropriate at this time; hardship is timeless and universal, but there is hope.The chapter is from the audiobook of Old New Worlds, and if you would like to order the complete version—or any other audiobook, for that matter—I urge you to consider, because then you can support your local independent book store. They could really do with our help at this time.I hope you enjoy the reading, and please take care!Judith


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