"Old New Worlds" home at last

As my jetlag recedes and I sift through the highlights of a magical trip back to Africa, I feel such a sense of "rightness" about Old New Worlds have been given a home—finally—in the place where she is so rooted. I am beyond grateful to Christy Weyer and Liberty Books at Peregrine Farmstall outside Grabouw in the Western Cape, not only for letting me have my South African launch in her gorgeous indie bookstore but for her careful reading of the book and her wonderfully probing questions. I doubt that I will be interviewed by a doctor of literature again any time soon! Happily, Liberty Books has some hard copies left in the store. Also, I'm so grateful to Kate Rogan at Love Books in Melville, Johannesburg, for carrying a few copies as well. I love that Old New Worlds is physically in South Africa at long last—and the eBook and audiobook versions still remain options worldwide.


Spring Newsletter 2022


The artist, Paul Klee, as musician