Behind the scenes with Sasha Cooke

After a fair amount of back and forth, mezzo-soprano Sasha Cooke's publicist and I managed to find a time when I could call her to talk about her CD how do i find you? and the spin-off recital, which she is presenting at Baltimore's premier chamber music series, Shriver Hall Concert Series on Sunday. Sasha managed to find a quiet dressing room backstage at The Met during her lunch break between rehearsals for Handel's Rodelinda, in which she sings Eduige. We had barely begun when there was an announcement from the stage manager calling certain cast members (not Sasha) to the stage. Sasha was distraughtly apologetic until I assured her how easy it is to edit something like that out on Adobe Audition. how do i find you? is a moving project that Sasha curated as a response to the pandemic. You can hear our four-minute (uninterrupted!) chat here.


Greedy Reads: The Lost Weekend


Spring Newsletter 2022